Christians need to start seeking after God, because without him we will be lost. The only reason we can even love God is because he first loved us. We must seek God's face because he is the only one who can get us through this life of suffering and pain. We need to love God with all of our hearts, soul, mind and we need to trust him with our lives. Like the Bible says "
Trust in the Lord in all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 We should trust God with everything and acknowledge him in everything, and he promised he will make our paths straight. Come on
Christians lets stand up for what's right and stop giving into the world. The world has already lost so why go on the
losing side. Lets fight for the side that's already won, because that side has the God of the universe
who created all things, loves us and wants us to spend our
eternity with him in Heaven forever. So lets get rid of the pleasures that will send our souls to hell. Yes, I said hell, if we enjoy our sin and do it
continually then we will spend our
eternity in hell, whether you believe your a
Christean or not. So are you seeking after God's Face? or are you
wasting your life (that God gave you) away in the world?
Think about that, don't play with your soul, Seek God!
To God be the Glory!
Once we start to enjoy all that He has put here for us, it's amazing to think how we looked for other things to satisfy us. We can find fulness in the things He offers that bring satisfaction to us that the world can never offer. Things of the world always just leave us wanting and never fill our void.
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